Finger Abacus or Abacus Finger Theory
Today I shall share with you all an Interesting topic called Finger Abacus. It is a simple and engaging visual way to teach abacus counting for (kids age group 4). By Using this method kid's can Easily learn number counting from 0 to 99. Do a quick calculation. Help kids move from elementary thinking and develop more abstract thinking.
About Finger Abacus or Abacus Finger Theory
Let's learn about the importance of better visuals for learning Maths:
Different humans have different approaches to learning, some people are more visual, and others might be a more kinesthetic or logical learner. The same applies to Kids. Scientists encourage kids who are not visual learners to need a better visual representation of maths to learn better.
Math is one of the subjects that involve visual learning. One typical Example I can give to you is a representation of numbers on the Number line. Kids enhance numerical knowledge When numbers are visually represented on the paper.
By involving visuals not only do kids learn maths better. But they also improve brain capacity, improve in Mathematics, engage in more class activity.
Using Finger counting can enhance kids' capability to do Assignments. Kids develop a good memory to recall fingers memory as they grow. It is one of the easiest ways to represent numbers on fingers. Halting kids from using fingers for calculation means: Halting brain development.
Using fingers helps to do Arthimatic calculations quickly. Help's differentiate fingers and enhances brain development. Your kid is more likely to be engaged in the classroom activity. Finger Abacus is a visual pathway to learning math better.
One typical example, You can see is that musicians and piano players have very high maths levels.
Maths is a never-ending subject. Learning it can be a bumpy journey. But when we make learning maths fun. By making information easy to understand and better visual access.
Finger Abacus is one of the first steps while teaching abacus. One of the prominent reasons for teaching fingers counting before using an abacus to do counting is that counting on an abacus frame is similar to counting on fingers. Learning to count using fingers makes it easy to learn counting on the Abacus rod.
Abacus is the activity for the age group 5-15. Involving different activities to learn abacus make it fun and engaging and helps children learn better. One of the Engaging activities I highly recommend is
Making the Abacus at home. You can check out the
Abacus Trainer blog to read more.
Counting on fingers is refer as finger maths or Chisenbop. This concept was first introduced in the 19th century by Korean: Hang Young Pai in 1940. Later it was revised by Sung Jin Pai. Finger maths is widely referred to as Finger Abacus in the abacus community.
What does Finger Abacus Teache be us?
It states that it is possible to represent numbers 0 to 99 on-screen. One can easily calculate operations_ Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division by just using the finger. This method is effective in teaching basic maths. Its positivity helps visually impaired kids learn maths.
Basic Concept of Finger maths/ Chisenbop/ Finger Abacus:
Representing Numbers on the RIGHT hand
First, you need to teach your kids about the basics of finger-like Thumb finger, middle finger, ring finger and little finger. Once kids learn these Basics Fingers names, Let's get started with the next topic, Teaching How to Represent numbers of a finger.
Leaving Thumb finger, Lable index finger, middle finger, ring finger, and little finger as one, two, three and four respectively.
Now Time to assign the Thumb finger a five base value.
Now here is the real jest of the labelling.
Touch the Thumb finger with any other finger; you will be able to get values from 1 to 9
Thumb+Index= 6
Thumb+ Middle fingue=7
Thumb + Ring fingue=8
Thumb+Little fingure=9
Now let's talk about the left hand,
Representing Numbers on the LEFT hand
On the left hand, we assign Tens values to each finger. Let the Index finger, middle finger, ring finger, and little finger be denoted as Ten values. Let the thumb finger represent the value fifty.
Index fingure=10
Middle fingue=20
Ring fingue=30
Little fingure=40
Thumb+index fingure= 60
Thumb+ middle fingue=70
Thumb + Ring fingue=80
Thumb+Little fingure=90
This technique applies to Abacus finger movements. The maximum value you can teach and learn Abacus with fingers is from 0 to 99. You can make Finger Abacus by boosting your visualization skill. When kids are bogged into Uninteresting numbers and unaccessible visual elements in learning, Learning maths becomes very boring and limits their learning exposure.
Hope you liked reading this blog on Finger counting, its history and its importance in child overall maths learning. Check out more on the
Abacus Trainer blog.